DRDO CEPTAM 10 Recruitment 2022: Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) application process of CEPTAM-10/DRTC for the posts of Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and Technician-A (Tech-A) on Friday, 23 September is over. However, the registered candidates still have a chance to complete the application process for the vacant posts.

According to the update released on the official website of DRDO, drdo.gov.in, candidates who have completed the registration for this recruitment by 5 PM on Friday, 23 September can now submit the online application form till 25 September. The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 1901 vacancies, out of which 1075 vacancies are for the post of Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and 826 for the post of Technician-A (Tech-A). are for.
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18 to 28 years. Upper age relaxation will be admissible for SC/ ST/ OBC/ ESM/ PWBD etc. as per government rules. To apply, it is mandatory for the candidate to pay a non-refundable / non-transferable application fee of Rs.100.
- Steps to Apply for DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022
- Firstly candidates visit the official website drdo.gov.in.
- On the home page, click on the “Careers” tab.
- Click to submit the online application form under CEPTAM-10/DRTC.
- Candidates log in with their registered ID and complete the application process.
- Now fill your complete details, pay the fee and submit the form.
- Candidates take a print out of the application form for future reference.
CEPTAM Recruitment Educational Qualification
Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B)
Engineering or Technology or Computer Science recognized by AICTE or the following allied disciplines – Automobile, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation, Electronics or Electronics, Electronics Telecom, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Metallurgy Engineering, Agriculture, Botany, Chemistry, Library Science, Mathematics, MLT, Photography, Physics, Printing Technology, Psychology, Textile and Zoo-logy etc. Diploma or Bachelor’s degree is necessary.
Technician-A (Tech-A)
Candidate must have passed 10th class or equivalent from a recognized Board or Institute; and Certificate from a recognized ITI or Certificate of minimum one year duration from a recognized Institute if ITI in the following trades – Automobile, Book Binder, Carpenter, CNC Operator, COPA, Draftsman (Mechanical), DTP Operator, Electrician, Electronics, Fitter, Grinder, Machinist, Mechanic (Diesel), Mill Wright Mechanic, Motor Mechanic Painter, Photographer, Refrigeration & AC, Sheet Metal Worker, Turner & Welder etc.