UPSC CSE Admit Card 2023
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) released the UPSC CSE Admit Card 2023 Civil Services Preliminary Examination on Monday, May 8.
Preliminary admit cards for the UPSC civil services in 2023. the (upsc . gov . in).
2023 admit cards for the UPSC civil services preliminary exams. gov . in (upsc).
On May 28, 2023, the UPSC civil services preliminary examination will be held.
The UPSC’s official website, upsc . gov . in, is where applicants who have submitted applications can download their admit cards.

UPSC prelims admit cards 2023: How to download
Visit the official website of UPSC at upsc.gov.in
e- Admit Card: Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2023″ should be clicked.
Thoroughly read the directions before printing.
Please enter your login information before submitting.
There will be a screen showing your admit card.
Save the file to your computer and print it out.
Direct link to download UPSC prelims 2023 hall tickets
Use your computer to download the admit card, then print it out. To the examination site, candidates must bring their admit card.
The information on the admit cards must be carefully examined, and any discrepancies must be reported right away to the UPSC.
The UPSC prelims admit cards must be stored securely until the conclusion of this hiring process.
Candidates will need to bring two identical photographs to the exam, one for each session, as well as a form of identification, such as an Aadhaar card, driver’s license, passport, or voter ID card, and a statement confirming the authenticity of the identification.
The UPSC CSE exam is one of the most prestigious and highly competitive exams in India. Conducted annually by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select candidates for various government posts. UPSC CSE Admit Card 2023 is available online at upsc.gov.in by the Commission.

Candidates need to use Registration ID and Date of Birth to download UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 Prelims Admit Card. The UPSC CSE Prelims test will be conducted on 28 May 2023 and candidates who successfully register for the UPSC Prelims exam will be issued a UPSC IAS Admit Card 2023. Candidates for the CSE Prelims Admit Card 2023 process can read more information about the exam and upsc.gov.in in this article. Here we have provided detailed information about UPSC CSE Prelims Hall Tickets 2023 and UPSC CSE Exam Dates 2023.
Exam Name | UPSC Civil Service Pre Exam 2023 |
Organization | Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) |
UPSC CSE Notification Released 2023 | 1st February 2023 |
Total Vacancies | 1105 |
UPSC CSE Prelims Exam Date 2023 | 28th May 2023 |
UPSC CSE Mains Exam Date 2023 | September Month 2023 |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
UPSC CSE Admit Card 2023 | 8 May 2023 |
Login Credentials | Registration Number and Date of Birth |
Post available | IAS, IPS, IFS etc. |
UPSC CSE Result 2023 | To be Notified |
Category | Admit Card |
Official website | upsc.gov.in |