BSF Constable Tradesmen results: The Border Guard (BSF) announced the results of the exam for the position of Constable (Trader) on November 6.
Candidates appearing for the professional police exam can check the results on the official website at www.bsf.gov.in.
The written exam for the post of Constable (Trader) was held on August 28.
BSF Constable Tradesman Result The result of Constable Tradesman Recruitment Examination has been declared by Border Security Force (BSF) through online medium. The result has been released online through PDF format in which the roll numbers of the candidates are mentioned. Only the candidates whose names will be recorded in this list will be considered successful for the next phase.
There is big news for the candidates appearing in the BSF Constable Tradesman Recruitment Examination. The result of Constable Tradesman Recruitment Examination has been declared by Border Security Force i.e. BSF. The result has been declared in PDF format according to all the regions on the official website of BFS, bsf.gov.in. Candidates who participated in the recruitment can check the result by visiting the official website or by clicking on the direct link provided on this page.
After downloading the result PDF, candidates can check their roll number in it. Candidates whose roll number will be mentioned in this list will be considered successful for the next process of recruitment and only they will also be invited for the next stage of recruitment.
BSF Constable Tradesman Result: Recruitment is being done on 1284 posts
This recruitment has been done by Border Security Force for a total of 1284 vacant posts. Only those candidates will be appointed to these posts who will be successful in all the stages. For detailed information related to recruitment, candidates can visit the official website.
BSF Constable Tradesmen results 2023: Know how to check
On the home page, click on “WRITTEN EXAMINATION RESULT DECLARATION (COMPUTER TEST) TO REGISTER FOR CONSTABLE (TRADERS) AT BSF 2023 – BSF ACY TEKANPUR” The screen displays the pdf version Check results Get a printout for future reference.